Thursday, November 09, 2006


As we all well know i tend to blog when i get bored playing World of Warcraft. Since no new content has been released and im not going to roll another alt, it seems like some blogging is im the imminent future. I guess the first thing that needs everyones attention is this new site i have found that tracks your music tastes, puts it into a pretty graph and then recommends new cool bands for you to listen to. As it is its changed my tastes, and music habits quite a bit. If your interested check it out.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


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So i went to go see superman returns last night. And all i can say was it was shit. Why would you make a superman movie into a long drawnout lovestory? Sure when the action came it was mindblowingly buetiful but it was few and far in between. Kevins Spacey as Lex Luther was awesome though they should have had a villian with superpowers rather than a convict with money and above average intelligence. What irks me the most is the fact that superman has a child. To quote Brody "i bet superman blows his load like a shotgun through louis lanes back", who would know comic book mythos better than Brody? Thats right Nobody.

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The best part of the movie was infact the trailer for spiderman three. In it we see a blonde kissing peter (Gwen Stacey) We see an oozing black sludge (alien symbiote) the return of the hobgoblin and the introduction of sandman. After the film i did a little research. Eddie Brock is in the movie and he is being played by tophar grace, you read right, tophar grace from that seventies show. I'm still on the fence with this, is it good, is it bad? Venom is not the villian of this movie either, he is slated to be the villian of spiderman 4, so im betting we see venom as the last clip of the movie and thats about it. All in all this movie looks to be a sweet movie and ill be waiting to see it.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


The following is a list of manga that i am currently reading, when series does finish ill come back here and rate the series as a whole.
Black Lagoon
666 Satan
Tenjou Tenge
Hunter x Hunter
JoJo's Bizarre Adveture

And two mangas ive just finished reading
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Death Note was Fucking awesome. I could only wish i could be as badass as the main character.
Though it may look like a fighter or horror series its not, the story is about a notebook that can kill anyone whos name is written in it. The main character begins to use it to kill criminals, though his deeds are noble it is still a crime and the world nations hire the ace detective L to find the criminal. The story is basiclly a cat and mouse game of the main character and L. So many awesome things happen in this i cannot stress downloading it enough. I found that a movie came out in Japan last week baswed on the manga, i can't wait uintil someone subs it, im sure it'll be really good.

Zombie Hunter, a four volume manga was a smooth ride about an orginization that (Gasp!) hunts zombies. though the end leaves room for a whole nother series it was still a pretty badass manga.

New anime shows worth watching

I may be a little late on this one but there a two shows this season that everyone should start watching.
Black Lagoon is the first, whats not to love theres a badass girl running around killing shit with a badass gun. I mean is there anything any better? Thats right there isnt so what are you still reading for? Go download it now.
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The other show i was going to metion was soul link, but now that i think about it. Dont bother getting it, Black Lagoon kicks its ass in every way possible. Go download that shit now bitches.
Ill begin with my anime veiwings of the last month, i was in the mood for some sweet harem anime becuase of Kanon so i downloaded two shows.
The first that i watched was Shuffle!
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Shuffle is probably my favorite harem anime that deals with unrealistic situations. A bevy of hot ladies and an ending that was truely suprising. Honestly who saw that one coming? The only problem i had with the show was the lack of nerine. She needed more screen time!

The second show i downloaded was ichigo 100%. This is what a harem anime should be, this show is probably the most realistic harem anime ever. That is the reason that it is my favorite harem anime ever. Though the anime was only thirteen episodes long and the ova's were only another five episodes the story continues in the manga. for those of you who have seen the anime but are to lazy to read or get the manga ill tell you who he ends up with. Scroll down at your own risk.
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He ends up with Nishino! Hell yeah the best possible ending ever.
I <3 Ichigo 100%.

Uber massive Bloganation!

Over the next day or so i am going to make massive additions to my blog. These will be mostly reviews of shit ive been playing and reading etc etc. Let the bloganation begin!

Friday, June 02, 2006

School Rumble

I just discovered theres a new season of School Rumble that has come out, why was i not informed of something so magical occuring? So while im downloading the first eight episodes in an attempt to catch up im just rambaling on this site. I finished watching Kanon last night this h-game turned anime was actually really a breath of fresh air, its a harem anime so im sure you know it has one man and many women but it was different then most in the fact that the girl he ends up with at the end isnt an obvious thing from the start. If you get a chance you should watch it. So until the new season of honey and clover comes out i guess ill just float through life.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Pauly Shore is Dead

Quite possibly one of the worst films ive seen, so not worth the five dollars, its premise had me laughing but the execution of it was subpar, a mix of a documentary ans a comedy that just doesnt work. Pauly Shore should do use a favor and just live quitely in his hollywood estate rather than try to rehatch his career. On another note ive been playing MS Saga which got horrible reviews, but people are complete fucktards now, the rpg genre is dying and with it my need to buy a console, what ever happened to a simple turn based rpg? Ms Saga brings back the old linear plot and the sweet turn based action ala final fantasy six. If you have a thing for gundams and enjoy a good old shool rpg you should definantly pick it up.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

My Life

I think im going to start up the bloggage but im not keeping any promises. At the moment i need something to fill the void in my life that used to be world of warcraft. After countless days of wiping at c'thun and the officers of my guild berrating everyone about attendance seems to have just burned me out, that or the fact that ive been playing nine plus hours a day since launch and really have accomplished anything.

Ive come up with a few plans about what i need to do,

1. I need to go out and get a job.
2. I start watching abnormaly large amounts of anime like i used to do.

For now ill be doing the latter, im currently watching Hunter X Hunter, i just started the second OVA series, this series is one of my all time favorites but i dont even know why.So until i get bored enough to were im not tired of wow or i get a job it looks like im going to delve into the deep underworld that is popculture.

That and play with my dick, a days not good without me playing my skinflute.

Monday, October 17, 2005

im back

im back ive been playing alot of wow, but i getting slightly bored of it and now im back, expect some ubercool posts soon, way cooler than kites holla!