Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Ill begin with my anime veiwings of the last month, i was in the mood for some sweet harem anime becuase of Kanon so i downloaded two shows.
The first that i watched was Shuffle!
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Shuffle is probably my favorite harem anime that deals with unrealistic situations. A bevy of hot ladies and an ending that was truely suprising. Honestly who saw that one coming? The only problem i had with the show was the lack of nerine. She needed more screen time!

The second show i downloaded was ichigo 100%. This is what a harem anime should be, this show is probably the most realistic harem anime ever. That is the reason that it is my favorite harem anime ever. Though the anime was only thirteen episodes long and the ova's were only another five episodes the story continues in the manga. for those of you who have seen the anime but are to lazy to read or get the manga ill tell you who he ends up with. Scroll down at your own risk.
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He ends up with Nishino! Hell yeah the best possible ending ever.
I <3 Ichigo 100%.


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