Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Pauly Shore is Dead

Quite possibly one of the worst films ive seen, so not worth the five dollars, its premise had me laughing but the execution of it was subpar, a mix of a documentary ans a comedy that just doesnt work. Pauly Shore should do use a favor and just live quitely in his hollywood estate rather than try to rehatch his career. On another note ive been playing MS Saga which got horrible reviews, but people are complete fucktards now, the rpg genre is dying and with it my need to buy a console, what ever happened to a simple turn based rpg? Ms Saga brings back the old linear plot and the sweet turn based action ala final fantasy six. If you have a thing for gundams and enjoy a good old shool rpg you should definantly pick it up.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

My Life

I think im going to start up the bloggage but im not keeping any promises. At the moment i need something to fill the void in my life that used to be world of warcraft. After countless days of wiping at c'thun and the officers of my guild berrating everyone about attendance seems to have just burned me out, that or the fact that ive been playing nine plus hours a day since launch and really have accomplished anything.

Ive come up with a few plans about what i need to do,

1. I need to go out and get a job.
2. I start watching abnormaly large amounts of anime like i used to do.

For now ill be doing the latter, im currently watching Hunter X Hunter, i just started the second OVA series, this series is one of my all time favorites but i dont even know why.So until i get bored enough to were im not tired of wow or i get a job it looks like im going to delve into the deep underworld that is popculture.

That and play with my dick, a days not good without me playing my skinflute.